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Any questions on NitroDome? Here to answer any questions.

4 ответов

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Any forecasts on go-to-market outcomes over the next 12 months? Curious how you're building pipeline and turning interest into signed contracts. Also on contracts, what is the commitment term? Annual? 3 year? Month-to-month cancel anytime with 30 day notice?

The Inglourious-Basterd, D.G. Автор вопроса
Any forecasts on go-to-market outcomes over the ne...

We envision onboarding at least 18 games over the next 12 months, but we also believe that's conservative. We're building pipelines through our partners and Sky Wee, an official advisor on the project with significant reach in the gaming industry. He has already introduced us to over a dozen gaming project and companies in the web2 space. We're in weekly talks with nearly all of them over the past 3-4 weeks. As for contracts, we've talked about a 6 month contract, at the least, but considering 12 month to give user's more confidence. Initial projects may be more hesitant for a longer period on a platform without a track history.

The Inglourious Basterd, D.G.
We envision onboarding at least 18 games over the ...

I'd advise doing annual contracts, especially in a wishy washy space like this. It does make it harder to close customers (initially), but the benefits of better fits, lower CAC, and more aligned roadmap development outweigh the lower win rates. Especially if you intend to be as aggressive as you say in sales, I'd make sure you secure a revenue runway from that initial push. If I had to guess, you're avg sales cycle from 1st call to close will be ~60 days if you do well. So it'd suck to do this big push and then have to confront churn as you're trying to grow revenue.

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