212 похожих чатов

Dear Admins, I purchased some tokens via Pancakeswap website 10

hours ago. However, it didn’t reach my Trust wallet, Even though I added the contract details to my wallet.

I can see the tokens on Pancakeswap once I add my Trust wallet. How do I see these tokens in Trust Wallet?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

1) Look up your address at bscscan.com 2) Select the token from the dropdown - this will take you to the token's details 3) Copy the contract address and add this as a custom token to your wallet: Metamask - click "Add Token" under assets and paste the address Safepal - click "Add" and paste the address Trustwallet - click the symbol in the top right corner, scroll to the bottom to "Add Custom Token", select the network as Smart Chain and fill in the token details.

Michael.-A Автор вопроса

Thanks, I’ve tried but it’s not working. I can see the balance hanging in Pancakeswap website but not reflecting on Trust wallet even after adding contract details.

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