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I read somewhere about 10,000 limit and somewhere else about

410,000 limit. Which of these numbers is correct ?

15 ответов

5 просмотров

Check the pinned message, ANN channel or Twitter for the Medium article that breaks down all of this info you seek.

Akin- Автор вопроса

There are 98,000 of sleepy nft alone, or do the profile pictures not count as NFT? Sorry for the stupid questions just build me the experience and Pancake will be my first NFT

yeah profile is nft you can make 1 anytime pancakesquad will be 10k and there were also some previous nfts

Yes, when you create your profile, you choose the NFT that will be the avatar for your profile.

10,000 I think

Akin- Автор вопроса

now i understand, if i understood correctly pancakesquad are own and there are only 10.000 of them. These can be mined from 30 September is that right? Thanks for your help

I misread your question sorry, the 10,000 limit related to the pancakesquad NFT drop coming up. There are 4 starter profile NFTs that are unlimited. There have been other random NFTs rewarded to users that completed tasks.

Akin- Автор вопроса

thank you!

nah marketplace goes live on oct 1. and pancakesquad can be minted like 7th of october if I right, there will be also some presale before public minting

Such as this exclusive one for admins… proud community 🤣

are you jelous?, you know they dont get paid weekly cakes or something like that for their support, if you have been actively part of. the community you should already have nice rewards

I have been active indeed and besides decreasing rewards, falling prices and rather odd drop offs nop haven’t seen much in the last 8 months, nothing of that magnitude that is

yeah, and the nft cale guardian style suites quite nice hahaha only thxs for the admins 🥂

well you are indeed not suited for a cake guardian NFT

You're welcome!

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