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Bnb and btc price went up but Cake is moving

sideways.. hmm wonder if it's due to ppl who tried to buy rumor and sell news of nft market release? Least it didnt dump so that's good lol

11 ответов

9 просмотров

Could just be typical market movement. not everyone is interested in NFTs NFTs is still niche for all the buzz it is getting and as it increasingly becomes a "People with money" game, no regular joe will be able to enter the NFT market at a good entry NFTs = Not for everyone

it actually did go from around 18 to 20, then pulled back a bit

No Nelly, as a regular joe I find no value in NFTs they are too costly to obtain and no guarantee they will rise in value Only people with 6 figures are truly hyped and interested in NFTS. us regular joes see them for the niche they are

Lol it's no guarantee this price movement was related directly and solely to NFTs. Again, not everyone is interested in them as You and others in this room are. in other rooms I barely hear mentions of NFTs

It actually can be very much so, but NFTs are a free market so I heavily depends upon people. Because these $50,000 were given away for FREE after all…

ApexGambit- Автор вопроса

I sold apl my pcs NFTs on other plateforms before pcs market opened, eg. I sold lucky for 2.8 bnb, Right now it is 1.2 bnb 😏 we will see if i buy back lower or not lol

Why nft price dropping ?😑😑

that truly means nothing to me brother. again, NFTs aren't for everyone

Same.Non gen 0 nfts will get rekt. Thanks to the people that aped on my hiccups

ApexGambit- Автор вопроса

I am neutral about NFTs. But not sure why u dont get how Cake price movement around pcs nft market release isnt related to the nft market release.. i dont think u understand how traders do things lol. They didnt buy NFTs to resell, they bought Cake tokens to sell Cake (not nft) to sell the news

No thanks. I don't have faith in NFTs, as I said 100 times before - they are too niche and too expensive for the average joe investor such as myself. i don't have multiple eth tokens, or bnb coins or none of that. so I just don't get caught in the hype BUT back to why we even are in this discussion; the price drop doesn't mean it is directly or only related to NFTs

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