212 похожих чатов

Does anyone know how pancakeswap facilitates swaps for coins which

dont have Farm liquidity pool pairs? I always assumed you needed people to provide liquidity pairs to enable swaps but after swapping BNB for Plut recently and noticing there was no farm for that pair it got me baffled. Anyone know?

6 ответов

18 просмотров

FARM liquiity POOLS? if u mean those listed on "Farms" tab , they are officially partnered /recognized and receive rewards in cake +fees. THough u can always use the platform to create your own LIquidity of any token of choice.

Augustus- Автор вопроса

I see thanks and cool I'll check out the info and read more.

Augustus- Автор вопроса

Yes that is what I meant and thanks its interesting stuff I didnt really ever think enough about


Augustus- Автор вопроса


np - you'll see all sorts of liquidity being provided. the #10 highest traded token pair is AXS/BNB but theres no active farm for that either

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