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Its a swap. Swap not need kyc

Idk-No name Автор вопроса
Its a swap. Swap not need kyc

Sorry I think you misunderstood my question ill be more direct. Does the SOL NFT trading platform require KYC? I know the cake ones does not trying to ask if CAKE will be exclusive NFT trading platform without a KYC

Idk No name
Sorry I think you misunderstood my question ill be...

Cake is defi.... Kyc would destroy that part of it

Idk-No name Автор вопроса
Cake is defi.... Kyc would destroy that part of it

Once again. Your not understanding my questions. Will this be the first NFT platform to launch without KYC?

Idk No name
Sorry I think you misunderstood my question ill be...

All the sol nft platforms i know of do not require kyc. Similar to opensea and rarible on eth.

Idk-No name Автор вопроса
All the sol nft platforms i know of do not require...

Thank you for actually answering my question as I do not use that platform!! Really appreciate you answering that confirms my bullish feelings even further

Idk-No name Автор вопроса
All the sol nft platforms i know of do not require...

Guess I was not clear above?🤷🏻‍♂️ loads of people will switch over when this gets up and running for the no KYC feature. Can’t wait

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