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@BrainRekt is it fine to add liquidity and provide cake

+ BNB let's say an hour before IFO or is that too tight? Trying to wait since farm apr is 20% lower than pool APY.

9 ответов

4 просмотра

there will be a counter / timer for that

You can do it during the sale if you want

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса
Brain Dead ( i won't dm u first )
there will be a counter / timer for that

Hmm gotcha, so maybe better to do it now just in case a day before?

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса

Thanks! Sorry never provided liquidity before, should I be worried about impermanent risk or holding for 1 day should not be a big deal? Also if I want to put $1000 into IFO I need to deposit $500 cake and $500 BNB or $1000 of each?

as long as its earning you will be fine, and if u get some on ifo then sure it is

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса
Brain Dead ( i won't dm u first )
as long as its earning you will be fine, and if u ...

Ok awesome thanks! Is it better to put it in the farm for a day or just hold the LP tokens until IFO?

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