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@BrainRekt Just wanted to let you know they( 99% scammers)

e-mailed me..
Can you add this to the warning?

Watch ou for this email info@pancakeswap.com
"PancakeSwap update: Official airdrop
At Pancakeswap, we believe that tokens are most useful when they are predominantly used to the extent practicable. In the case if accessing, managing and paying with a range of different cryptocurrencies, a wide distribution is also critically important for network security unfortunately not everyone has spare time, opportunity and technical proficiency necessary to getting on the earliest moments of token generation events.

In Pancakeswaps case, 4% has been set aside from the total insurance, ready to be distributed by an automatic airdrop. This can be claimed by anyone with a web 3.0 wallet and they will receive a share of this 4% which is 45 $CAKE. You can claim this through Pancakeswap after you have connected your wallet. This event is ending on Sunday."

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