212 похожих чатов

Guys, really I can get profit like 80$ for 7

days with 1000$ by farm at pancakeswap?

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Yes you will get the current apr. if you are thinking about farms learn about impermanentloss first or start with single asset staking aka cake pools.

Sapphire- Автор вопроса
Apos (Never DM first)
Yes you will get the current apr. if you are think...

thanks. okay. but farm calculator at pancake is close to true? and also it has some risk even we just farm?

thanks. okay. but farm calculator at pancake is cl...

Yes the calculator is correct but keep in mind that apr can change is dynamic and can go down if more ppl join farm/pool calculator only show you current apr

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