212 похожих чатов

Do you know if there is liquidity? you can check

the markets for that token on coin gecko or coinmarketcap

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Hi, Why I couldn’t see the price of, my token in my wallet which is just added to liquidity pool?

It’s Bezoge Earth .. I think there is pretty much ok

QV- Автор вопроса
It’s Bezoge Earth .. I think there is pretty much ...

dont see a market for it on pancakeswap - have you asked that team?

QV- Автор вопроса
💎İpulse | CEO Trust
Hi, Why I couldn’t see the price of, my token in m...

not sure what you're asking. if you added liquidity, you'll only have LP tokens in your wallet. wont be a price for that

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