How to check history rounds you played? 1. Go to BscScan page of Prediction contract. 2. Scroll down to “8. getUserRounds”. 3. Type in your wallet address under “user(address)”. 4. Set “cursor(uint256)" to 0 and “size(uint256)" to 1000. 5. Tap “Query” 6. Rounds you entered will show below in the first row. (after “uint256[]:”) How to check if a round is claimable? 1. Scroll down to “4. claimable”. 2. Type in the round id you want to check under "epoch(uint256)”. 3. Type in your wallet address under “user(address)”. 4. Tap “Query” 5. If a round is claimable, it will show “true”. 6. Note: ⬆️ If you saw a round returns "false", yet it shows on the UI, it's most likely has been claimed already. How to claim? 1. Go to BscScan page of Prediction contract. 2. Tap “🔴 Connect to Web3” 3. Use MetaMask or WalletConnect to connect. 4. Scroll down to “3. claim” 5. Type in round number you want to claim in an array format. Put round numbers within [] and separate them with “,” 6. Tap “Write” 7. Confirm on wallet
why is the gasfee so high? is this normal?
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