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Do Russians drink vodka whole day instead of water?

12 ответов

10 просмотров

with those markets im gonna start drinking vodka 24/7

with those markets im gonna start drinking vodka 2...

A bottle of wine cost like $50 here low quality, singapore, vodka too, $40 to $50 USD, communist state the govt takes all your $ 😘 You want a toyota , sure , $300k ~ only for 10 years :D

I pay 15€ for cigarettes 😂 but we have some form of tax for foreign product.. If you buy from us or china it's more expensive than EU product cause the taxes

Yeah , yellow boxes, if you step 1 step outside the box, fine, even during covid u smoke inside, then they wonder why covid is spreading, stupid govt really, act like domocrazy but communist mindset and rules, US should block SG and treat us like a communist state

Duc-Le Автор вопроса
Jonathan T.
Yeah , yellow boxes, if you step 1 step outside th...

Missing Clarke Quay, China Town, Geylang with Frog porridge and ladies,…

Duc Le
Missing Clarke Quay, China Town, Geylang with Frog...

you will get sick of this place , it's a square box 😂😂

Duc-Le Автор вопроса
Jonathan T.
you will get sick of this place , it's a square bo...

It was a work trip, yeah, SG is a really good country to work, low Personal Income Tax, but for living, nah.

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