212 похожих чатов

Yeah, they had deleted the pancakeswap picture with an annon

that got rekt.

But I joked "Price is down. Bad price. Can dev do something?" (hard rick nick reference) and got banned 🤣

6 ответов

12 просмотров

well they have telegram rule. no price discussion. . by the way. if you really want price discussion, just join official pancake discord. you will know what the REAL price discussion IS

Hahaha sir, i like your discord shill😅❤

Bomlex- Автор вопроса
Sittikorn Chanasumon (i dont direct message first)
well they have telegram rule. no price discussion....

I wasn't discussing really, i guess kinda ... but more of a joke. Lol. They should just take a chill pill because pcs 1 trillion mcap by 2030 🤪

I wasn't discussing really, i guess kinda ... but ...

Yes sir, deflationary, only 100 tokens exist in the world, price is huge

Hahaha sir, i like your discord shill😅❤

i need to prepare my mental state every time before i enter official pancake price chat discord 🤣🤣

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