212 похожих чатов

Am i understanding right that the oracle for predictoon only

updates once every like 20 seconds?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

PancakeSwap uses two sources for our price feeds. ChainLink Oracle: - Our prediction contract uses the ChainLink Oracle price feed to set the prices used to dictate whether a user has won or not. Binance BNB/USDT: - Used for real-time price updates on the PancakeSwap prediction market interface. Since we’re using two different price feeds, the real-time price updates from Binance and the ChainLink Oracle price may differ by a small amount. Read more about the Prediction Market here: Prediction FAQs

Austin-Lin Автор вопроса
PancakeSwap uses two sources for our price feeds. ...

Ya but the oracle kinda lags behind binance a noticeable amountni feel like

Austin-Lin Автор вопроса
PancakeSwap uses two sources for our price feeds. ...

Idk apparently its quite rare for ties to happem but its happened to me twice in two days now lol and i still believe i won both times lol

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