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Hello,I'D like to know how pancakeswap got funded in the

beginning and whether any tokens were sold inorder to acquire funds for the project.
Secondly,how does pancakeswap make money?

5 ответов

15 просмотров
Udoka-Michael Автор вопроса

Still hoping this get answered

Udoka-Michael Автор вопроса

So no admin could answer this lol 😂 😂

buy cake and stake cake, you will earn money

Udoka-Michael Автор вопроса
🥞 Hai Tien | Never DM You First 🔮
buy cake and stake cake, you will earn money

Unrelated to what am asking chief,read again but now slowly.

Udoka Michael
Unrelated to what am asking chief,read again but n...

It was a fair launch project. Supply started at 0 and there was no sale. People earned tokens by providing liquidity.

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