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Curious. but pancakeswap isn't a legal entity, how come it

has to "comply"? does it block visitors from those countries itself, or do those countries block it vice versa?

4 ответов

10 просмотров

many projects have indicated that they have no option but to fall in line with the government. The following countries affected are restricted from the front-end

enclaved- Автор вопроса
Ceddi || Cake Midas
many projects have indicated that they have no opt...

yes, which is why I'm asking: so far I fail to see how pancakeswap could get in trouble for not complying with, say, Belarussian laws, given that it has no legal entity. it's not like that you can sue a bunch of smart contracts for not caring who uses them...

we don't have 100% of the information what Chefs are working on so is not possible for us to explain what you're asking, sorry

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