212 похожих чатов

Will we have the ability to move points from one

wallet to another in the future? I want to start with a fresh wallet but dont want to lose my points.

4 ответов

10 просмотров

we don't know what future holds...at the moment is not possible

Aid-Hob Автор вопроса
Catü || I don't DM - Don't DM me ||
we don't know what future holds...at the moment is...

Awh thats a shame! What links the points to our addresses anyways? It is a contract limitation or something?

Aid-Hob Автор вопроса
Catü || I don't DM - Don't DM me ||
I have no idea

Could one of the chefs clarify? With all these scams going round would be nice to be able to start a fresh wallet and keep our points while keeping safe 😊

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