212 похожих чатов

Do I need to register an account to swap crypto

tokens in PancakeSwap?

Just write the answer in the chat)

35 ответов

20 просмотров

🚨WATCH OUT FOR SCAMMERS🚨 - Pancakeswap admins will never send you a DM first. - Pancakeswap does not have a technical support team. - Pancakeswap does not have an airdrop group or support group. Report scammers by forwarding their messages to @notoscam and typing "This is a scam".


PancakeSwap Misc Guides — How To Yield Farm On PancakeSwap — How To Trade On PancakeSwap Exchange — How To Join The Lottery On PancakeSwap — Complete Short Guide to PancakeSwap Wallet Guides — Metamask Wallet Guide for BSC — Ledger Wallet Guide for BSC — Trezor Wallet Guide for BSC — Math Wallet Guide for BSC — Trust Wallet Guide for BSC (Android) — Trust Wallet Guide for BSC (iOS) — SafePal Wallet Guide for Pancakeswap — SafePal Wallet Guide for BSC Audit Report — Pancakeswap Audit Report by CERTIK

🚨WATCH OUT FOR SCAMMERS🚨 - Pancakeswap admins wil...

Hahshahaah it’s an admin 😂😂 and it’s the first question to the quiz


Lafa (Martian)- Автор вопроса

Friends, answer the quiz)😉



No sir its very best swap instant buy or sell without register






Lafa (Martian)- Автор вопроса

I see a lot of correct answers! And here is the CryptoBox! Drop again)

When new code

When new code

When announced



Fab! - Never DM You First 🇮🇩
calm ser

Hello. I deposited 20 additional CAKE from my Trustwallet. Amount went to zero 0 in my wallet but it did not increase in my autocompounding cake pool. Where is the cake. Need help please.

Hahah saved the pack, thanks man

This transaction hash is for approval of cake, to trade on PCS

This transaction hash is for approval of cake, to ...

I am not sure what I need to send. A little keep maybe?

Mehmet Koray Gezen
I am not sure what I need to send. A little keep m...

The third row here? https://t.me/PancakeSwap/2442982

The third row here? https://t.me/PancakeSwap/24429...

But strangely the total number of cake in the pool did not increase. ???

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