212 похожих чатов

Anyone else had issue where my farms are gone? My

pool was still there but farms all wiped out? Wtf 🤷‍♂️

6 ответов

10 просмотров

look in finished pools

Mad-Max Автор вопроса
★ damison.qkc/$BBL
look in finished pools

Yeah I did and found pool ok but farms are gone

Mad Max
Yeah I did and found pool ok but farms are gone

🚚🎉 MasterChef & CAKE Pool Migration Complete If you haven't migrated, please: · Go to Farms or Pools from the menu. · Click "Proceed" on the migration notification. Stay tuned for the enabling of Fixed-Term staking! 🔜 📖 Step-by-step guide: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/code/migration/migrate-your-stakings

hey gud memba

hey gud memba

hi admen, time to sleep, tired of helping all the time

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