212 похожих чатов

Good day admins! @Ceddi200 The total supply showing on CoinMarketCap, is that

normal or a glitch!?????

Don't think I've seen that before!

4 ответов

9 просмотров

They didn’t subtract the burnt cake

Ceddi || Cake Midas
They didn’t subtract the burnt cake

There is a weekly token burn every Monday/Tuesday (NO SPECIFIC TIME). Read about the emission rate and deflationary mechanics here: CAKE Tokenomics

Lovely- Автор вопроса
Ceddi || Cake Midas
They didn’t subtract the burnt cake

Can we reach out to them to do that, kinda misleading! Lots of people use CoinMarketCap!

What happens when total supply is less than owned? Is this possible?

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