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Need help. I send 100 Ada from my wallet A to

wallet B.

After 20 minutes, the 100 Ada didn't arrived.

I noticed the 'to address' shows the receiving address (/change).

What does this mean?

I didn't do anything but the (/change address) occurred.

2 ответов

15 просмотров

For assistance with Daedalus wallet, please raise a request at IOG Zendesk Support. For all other queries, please check the pinned message in @CardanoCommunityTechSupport. Note that you will NOT be contacted first by any admin/bot. If you receive a message from anyone, assume it's a scam.

The transaction returned back to your wallet is how the eUTXO system works change is sent back to the wallet on the transaction as far as your wallet not seeing the funds arrive at the time you were mentioning having issues was around the epoch transition it's likely the wallet was out of sync at that time from high load. Check the balance against Cardanoscan.io you should see the updated total

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