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@ALkaLineNumber9 @mitikohaLLs @vires_in_numeris1 @Thanos8912 Here are the questions from the

fellow kadenian whale. @KIPKIP0012 (people have concern then he is available in kadenians group for having conversation to change his opinion perhaps save others)

Why kadena didn’t finished yet a milestone of last year - btc , keth , kusd

Why a blockchain that allready can load all stock market can’t bring huge name to kadena

Why there is so many projects and they don’t use all 20 chains so kadena can add more chains so people can start to bond

Looks like we stuck form last year no progress .. whales left project .. form 154 wallets with 100k kda we left only with 107 .. including exchange wallets that’s happened after kaddex failed lunch at 03/12/2021 .. after ceo Stuart mentioned in last year ama that kaddex will use 20
Chains and we will add more chains , don’t we see instead of growth .. a problem in here ?

I have explained and he seems I am not clear to him. So please advise so I can share to him the facts to the whale of kadena 😄

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So much BS that it's hard to choose where to start with

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