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Why PancakeSwap prediction doesn't use Binance for price data?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

PancakeSwap uses two sources for our price feeds. ChainLink Oracle: - Our prediction contract uses the ChainLink Oracle price feed to set the prices used to dictate whether a user has won or not. Binance BNB/USDT: - Used for real-time price updates on the PancakeSwap prediction market interface. Since we’re using two different price feeds, the real-time price updates from Binance and the ChainLink Oracle price may differ by a small amount. Read more about the Prediction Market here: Prediction FAQs

Raiyan- Автор вопроса
PancakeSwap uses two sources for our price feeds. ...

Thx for the info. I wonder why don't they use Binance price data since it is used in Tradingview which makes it easier for prediction. The price from Chainlink and Binance is different.

Thx for the info. I wonder why don't they use Bina...


Raiyan- Автор вопроса

This refreshes very slowly. PancakeSwap prediction could have removed the BETA tag if they used Binance price data. Also it isn’t a great thing that they burn people’s BNB if a round’s price is same with the locked price.

This refreshes very slowly. PancakeSwap prediction...

There is a weekly token burn every Monday/Tuesday (NO SPECIFIC TIME). Read about the emission rate and deflationary mechanics here: CAKE Tokenomics

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