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When you provide liquidity That liquidity is used for AMM to people can swap those tokens in DEX. When that pair is swapped an LP fee + txn fee is paid. Txn fee goes to blockchain validators LP fee goes to LP providers 0.17% for liquidity providers , 0.03% for treasury LP fee is shared among providers based on their pool share (think like power on amount ) And LP fee shares are added automatically to the LP bags of LP providers Also if you stake your LP tokens to related farm, you will earn cake rewards.

Mikheil-S Автор вопроса

BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Pools BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Farms CakeCalc : How Often You Can Compound (Accessible Through DApp) DeBank : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC, DeFi List, DeFi Ranking, History Transaction, Approval remover. @CakeHarvest_Bot : Portfolio Tracking Bot for Pancakeswap Farms&Pools Zapper : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC Yield Watch : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC, impermanent loss, earned fees all in real time it has a pay wall for all PRO features. @BSC_Price_Bot : Tokens and LP Prices over BSC

BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Pools BSCToolsXY...

Why can't I see it from inside Pancake Exchange?

copy paste your wallet address sir...

Catü || I don't DM - Don't DM me ||
copy paste your wallet address sir...

it just show me my bnb coin value in my wallet not other things such as LP rewards!

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