212 похожих чатов

Wait a second! Uniswap gives 0.3% fees to liquiditu providers

and we only 0.17%?

11 ответов

8 просмотров

0.25% —> 0.18 for user and 0.07 for burn and dev

🥞 Hai Tien | Never DM You First 🔮
0.25% —> 0.18 for user and 0.07 for burn and dev

There is a weekly token burn every Monday/Tuesday (NO SPECIFIC TIME). Read about the emission rate and deflationary mechanics here: CAKE Tokenomics

that's why we have cheaper transaction fees for everyone.

Because uniswap charges 0.3% fees

Typically, traders pay 0.3% per trade. However, the platform fee can be as low as 0.05% for stable assets and up to 1% for more exotic pairs. The PancakeSwap platform fee is 0.25% per trade, which is slightly better than the average fee on Uniswap. And give liquidity provider 0.17% fees

Mikheil-S Автор вопроса
Ceddi || Cake Midas
Typically, traders pay 0.3% per trade. However, th...

You make it 0.35% people still will buy. If 0.27% will go to liquidity providers everyone just use farms and 3x more depth for liquidity = less slippage.

Mikheil S
You make it 0.35% people still will buy. If 0.27% ...

Nah. One of the reason members use pancakeswap or one of the reason Pancakeswap is better than uniswap because of the favorable fees.

Mikheil-S Автор вопроса
Ceddi || Cake Midas
Nah. One of the reason members use pancakeswap or ...

Can we adjust fees for those tokens who are having liquidity crisis? :)

Mikheil-S Автор вопроса
Ceddi || Cake Midas
Nah. One of the reason members use pancakeswap or ...

Okay. There is no perfect solution. Everything have upsides and downsides

Mikheil-S Автор вопроса

But the only perfect solution is to send 1% of burned tokens to my address. That 1% will be used as extra safety. In case wormhole address is hacked mine will be safe!

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