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PancakeSwap Treasure Hunt Day 5 #PancakeSwapTreasureHunt #CLUE5 Clue: In the syrupy land of

Where tokens mix and pancakes flop,
Seek the place where funds do cool,
Where yields are earned in the swimming,
Where farmers plant their token and watch them unfold.
What is the maximum number of syrup pools in which farmers can stake on PancakeSwap ?

Solve the puzzle by reading this blog: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/syrup-pool

Make sure to complete all the tasks on Glaxe: https://galxe.com/PancakeSwap/campaign/GC1xHUNwBh

Please note, Keep your answers to yourself until the 10th clue is revealed which will be revealed on 22nd June 1400UTC!

2 ответов

13 просмотров

Sir when IFO🐸

Chef-Oreo Автор вопроса
Sir when IFO🐸

No ETA but team is actively looking to build a pipeline and find good projects for the IFO. When there will be any, you will see an announcement

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