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💥 PancakeSwap’s DeFi Galaxy Tour: Planet 6 - Saturn Syndicate,

Perpetual Trading Galore! 🌌

🎁 Join PancakeSwap’s Perpetual Birthday campaign to share $10,000 reward pool! 🚀

🌟 How to Participate: 🌟
1️⃣ Trade perpetual v2 on BNB Chain & Arbitrum
2️⃣ Daily 11,000 APX giveaway for new users
3️⃣ Daily $333 USDT to top the leaderboard
4️⃣ Grand Finale Reward multiplied by volume

📅 Save the date to participate: Sep 27 - Oct 12

👉 Trade Perpetuals now: https://perp.pancakeswap.finance/en/futures/v2/BTCUSD?theme=light&chain=bnbchain

🔗 Learn more: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/pancake-swap-s-de-fi-galaxy-tour-planet-6-saturn-syndicate-perpetual-trading-galore


1 ответов

7 просмотров
Chef-Oreo Автор вопроса

We have so many other campaigns going up as a part of our 3rd Birthday celebration, you can participate in these campaigns to win a lot of rewards. If you haven't tried PancakeSwap perpetuals yet, trade on PancakeSwap perpetuals to win different rewards. Every day new users who trade a minimum of $3,333 can win 1,100 APX (~$24) . If you're an active trader, there is a reward for topping the leaderboard. Check out the campaign to participate and win different rewards

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