Memory and Product on PancakeSwap to win exclusive PancakeSwap merch. 👕
📅 28 September to 12 October
How to win?
1️⃣ Follow @PancakeSwap - Everyone’s Favorite DEX
2️⃣ Share your favorite memory and product on PancakeSwap in the comment section of the campaign post
3️⃣ Use the hashtag #PancakeMemories and #3YearsOfPancakeSwap while tagging 3 friends
4️⃣ Express your stories with an image, video, words, or captivating narrative - the choice is yours.
🎁Reward: 30 exclusive PancakeSwap merch to win, 10 winners each from Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram.
🌌 Share your memories on all three social media Instagram, Reddit, and X (Twitter )to increase your winning chances.
💙 Instagram
💛 Reddit
💚 Twitter
📚 Read the blog to learn more
🎉 Let's celebrate three years of innovation, growth, and community with your memories! 🎉
hi chef wen rainnnn
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