212 похожих чатов

🎉 Congratulations to our lucky new users who began their

perpetual journey with PancakeSwap's Perpetuals v2 on October 8th!

🎁 Each winner has won 1,100 APX for starting their perpetual journey on PancakeSwap.

❔ Haven't tried PancakeSwap perpetuals yet? Now's the perfect time! Start trading and join our daily reward campaign for new users. Every day, 10 lucky new users who trade a minimum of $3,333 will receive 1,100 APX.

👉 Start now: https://perp.pancakeswap.finance/en/futures/v2/BTCUSD?theme=light&chain=bnbchain

📚 Learn more about the campaign here: https://blog.pancakeswap.finance/articles/pancake-swap-s-de-fi-galaxy-tour-planet-6-saturn-syndicate-perpetual-trading-galore


2 ответов

8 просмотров

Pancakeswap not accessible, any issues?

Pancakeswap not accessible, any issues?

Which country are you from? If I may ask

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