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Is it true US residents can’t earn interest on new

top up?

7 ответов

1 просмотр

Yes. Nexo has voluntarily implemented changes to its Earn Interest Product in the U.S. to comply with newly-announced guidance. Existing clients will keep earning interest on their balances unless they withdraw assets, while new U.S. clients may qualify to earn interest through a new product and this have no impact on any other Nexo products.

BandoQ- Автор вопроса
Alex Nexo / No support via DM
Yes. Nexo has voluntarily implemented changes to i...

So when are they goin to announce this to the us residents

BandoQ- Автор вопроса

So should I switch it to automatic renewal n keep what I got in there n just leave it?

BandoQ- Автор вопроса
Alex Nexo / No support via DM
This is up to you.

If I buy more nexo tokens to move up a tier to platinum I still get the benefits wit being a platinum member wit existing assets?

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