170 похожих чатов

I see that Seiger just released v1.4.18. Do you know up

to what version of php this supports?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

Ask him directly. After the nasty things he said, they don't really follow his innovations here.

RisingIsland- Автор вопроса
Dreamer_0x01 VeseloV
Ask him directly. After the nasty things he said, ...

Don't know him. Dont know how to reach him. Have no idea what he said or the drama going on. Just trying to figure out things and with a fractured community its difficult.

Don't know him. Dont know how to reach him. Have n...

This is a different community, there is a different numbering of the Evo version and other developers, here they do not humiliate people on political or national grounds :) And he's in the other one, the old one. Where politics decides.

Don't know him. Dont know how to reach him. Have n...

https://github.com/evocms-community/evolution/releases - this is our versions.

1.4.34 works on 8.3

Don't know him. Dont know how to reach him. Have n...

If you are interested in 1.4 then you should use CE edition as we have limited 1.4 support (bug fixes only), so you'll get fixes more quickly. It concerns 3.x as well 😸

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