172 похожих чатов

Hi. I am working on educational app. I want to

send a notification to the user how long he studied every day at 22:00 and clear that time. Unfortunately iOS does not provide me anything like notification sent or not. I wanted to ask you guys have you encountered such problem? If yes how did you solve this ?

7 ответов

7 просмотров

Hi, I think you need to use some backend service. For example Firebase Functions. There you can create scheduled tasks with CRON and send FCM notifications

HOGGISH- Автор вопроса

thank you for suggestion. But my app works both offline and online

HOGGISH- Автор вопроса

Is there a way to do a background stuff when recieved local notifiactions like push notifications ?

You can send send scheduling notification locally at 22:00. And do your background stuff when user will open your app after 22:00. pm me, I will try to help

HOGGISH- Автор вопроса

yeah thank you for the suggestion and you time. I was doing the same for the past months but users send me report to the bug that. If they dont enter to the app after 22:00 the day after app sends them the time they listend yesterday


HOGGISH- Автор вопроса


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