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#SingleInstance force ; Function to retrieve COM port information for a

specific port
GetComPortInfo(port) {
; Run PowerShell command to get device name associated with the port
RunWait, %ComSpec% /c powershell.exe -Command "(Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPEntity | Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'COM' + port }).Name", , UseErrorLevel, Output
if !ErrorLevel {
return "Device connected to COM" port ": " Output
} else {
return "No device found on COM" port

; Function to display text on OSD
ShowOnScreenDisplay(text) {
; Here you should call the appropriate function or method
; to display text on the OSD.
; Replace the following line with the actual function call
MsgBox, % text

; Function to retrieve list of connected COM ports
GetConnectedComPorts() {
ports := []
; Run 'mode' command to get a list of active COM ports
RunWait, %ComSpec% /c mode, , UseErrorLevel, Output
if !ErrorLevel {
Loop, Parse, Output, `n
; Extract port name from each line of output
if (RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "COM\d+", port))
return ports

; Example usage
connectedPorts := GetConnectedComPorts()
if (connectedPorts.length() > 0) {
for each, port in connectedPorts {
comPortInfo := GetComPortInfo(port)
} else {
MsgBox, No COM ports found.

can anyone help me to improve the script to show tooltip only when com port device connected with its proper full name?

2 ответов

42 просмотра


MD-SRK Автор вопроса

maybe you didn't read the full sentences

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