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Screen Navigation Problem I am Continuing to my College project

which is Student Attendance System. My project overview like that, After the Login successful navigate the bottom navigation screen and where Basically 4 tab are present 1.Home, 2. Attendance, 3. Students, 4. Profile. My idea is when Teacher click the Attendance tab then calling the Api which fetch the departments list corresponding teacher ID (this Teacher I'd now store the local storage when I had loginThis time actually store the teacher ID my local storage because any time it is used for helping to API Call ) and After fetching the departments list success then I will show the two drop-down menu
1 is Department selection and another is Department corresponding subjects list that means Subjects drop-down menu . When teacher selected Those field that means Department and subject then I will be show the next screen where Basically Show the Students list corresponding filtering. But my problem is that when I click the Attendance tab then the circular progress indicators not showing but api call are successfully and fetched the data also how to fixed this problem? Please help me

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