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Hello everyone I am trying to run 4 year old

project and I am having this issue anyone can help?

11 ответов

28 просмотров

why did you try to run old project on newest flutter version?

Nitish-Garg Автор вопроса
Илья Коваленко
why did you try to run old project on newest flutt...

After trying two days now I am downgrading the flutter version using fvm

Nitish Garg
After trying two days now I am downgrading the flu...

why not to change sdk variable in the pubspec ?

Nitish Garg
After trying two days now I am downgrading the flu...

I recently had the same problem, fvm didn't work for me, I had to downgrade my flutter as well as jdk, 4 years is too long if your planning on maybe using it you better upgrade your project to latest.

Nitish-Garg Автор вопроса
I recently had the same problem, fvm didn't work f...

I tried but there are around 150 files and I will have to update all the files

Nitish-Garg Автор вопроса
Nitish Garg
I tried but there are around 150 files and I will ...

Yes you do if you want to use it, newer flutter version have better performance plus security, also there is a command 'dart migrate' which is deprecated in dart 3 or above but is available in later versions of dart 2, it basically upgrades your code to null safe automatically but you still have to do somethings manually. The legacy codebase I have worked with had several packages discontinued and some of them had concerning security issues which was stated in GitHub.

Nitish-Garg Автор вопроса
Yes you do if you want to use it, newer flutter ve...

Can you please send me any document or something?

Nitish Garg
Can you please send me any document or something?


Nitish Garg
Can you please send me any document or something?

If you actually want to upgrade it to the latest be aware that it take a long time, I suggest you start a new project and add dependency one by one to avoid dependency hell, then migrate your code.

Nitish-Garg Автор вопроса

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