does not provide name or email of the user even when requested with "email" and "fullName" scopes?
Here's the code I'm using:
final provider = AppleAuthProvider();
final creds = await _auth.signInWithProvider(provider);
print(creds.user?.displayName); // => null
print(creds.user?.email); // => null
// ....
Please let me know, thanks :)
There is a some remark, that device is remember first choice and keep it till delete. Don't remember where this was in iphone
Settings > Apple ID > Sign In & Security > Sign In with Apple, is that it?
Yep I understand, user has the privilege to hide their name and/or email... But in my case, the bottom sheet like Apple Sign In flow doesn't even prompts the user to share name/email even though I specified those scopes in the code...
try sign_in_with_apple package where in scopes u request emai, fullname etc , such a
no idea, just checked in my apps, everything works as expected with the question do. you want to share my email or not
basically the same code? or are you using the pkg:sign_in_with_apple package?
same code, with firebase auth
actually i've already tried that package as well, still got null response and even more problems on android apple auth flow, so switched back to Firebase only solution. i should check again anyway :)
sounds like mine problem now 🥲.. i should do more digging
did you try it in “debug” mode or production mode?
debug, on simulator
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