169 похожих чатов

Hi team good evening we have one production server in

my environment so there daily basis application team doing dml operation mostly insert and delete they fetching 1m record also but some how they facing slowness issue some of the tables and table size max is 50gb so we scheduled vacuum analyze script in cron 6pm 7pm n 8pm for business requirement but still they asking to do manual vacuum so I want to fix this permanently any help please ? Thanks in advance..

4 ответов

16 просмотров

The thing with that much updates and deletes is a problem. Both are increasing the tables with bloat. Depending on the data I would check if the tables could at least be partioned. Dropping a partition is much less bloat than to delete data. For the updates, check what's really necessary and try to decrease the volume, in addition adjust autovacuum on that tables.

Prakash-R Автор вопроса
Stefanie Janine Stölting
The thing with that much updates and deletes is a ...

Okay but actually we don’t have partition on those tables only one big table 50gb giving issue so how can do a permanent fix ? Auto vacuum running and it’s default values , can we do set auto vacuum aggressively these tables? It will help or not

Prakash R
Okay but actually we don’t have partition on those...

Change it, development and DBA jobs are an ongoing process, nothing that is finished ;)

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