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So what is the recommended way after all? It's important

to be closed source because I want to sell to lots of customers and I don't want my app to be copied illegally

5 ответов

5 просмотров

The recommeded way is to make informed decisions. Only you know the exact requirements for the app, we still have no idea because "security and performance" can be achieved with pretty much every technology out there depending on how exactly you define them. Chose the technology you feel most comfortable with, because this is what will make your app fast and secure - it's all about you, the developer.

You can still sell open source products to your customers, because you own all rights. You can't stop piracy anyway, you can only go to court and kindly ask your customers to pay having the juristiction you're officialy publishing this app in behind your back

Ehsan- Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
The recommeded way is to make informed decisions. ...

This developer (me) hasn't developed windows apps for about 20 years I just want to know your recommendations I you know my situation: 1- can be developed on Linux 2- can be run on Windows 3- Closed source 4- Preferably a report builder, Those days I used to work with quick report on Delphi 7

Ehsan- Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
You can still sell open source products to your cu...

In my country there is almost not any copyrights No body care for that. I must develop the way that no body can crack it 😂😂😂

This developer (me) hasn't developed windows apps ...

I'd go for a portable solution that'd work on Mac/Linux/Windows/Web Because when you'll get the first complains that it doesn't work on Mac you'll be in big trouble, because you'll have to develop for other platforms separately, which is way more expensive! So why not leverage web technologies? I really don't think they're "too slow". High memory usage is probably your biggest problem. And even if there will be number-crunching heavy bottlenecks - you can still fix those by implementing those parts in C/C++ and compiling them to WASM or just doing it asynchronously on WebWorkers off the main thread.

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