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Guys, what's better for this scenario? a x64 cpu or

an arm cpu when handling a linux distro and USB devices like usb modems to manage network connections, proxy servers, etc? The answer may be obvious to you but you're experts, I'm not.

I've been using arm cpus (raspberry pi) for some years now but it is really buggy and limited, some chargers gets damaged pretty fast, or their SD cards gets corrupted too, I can't handle more than 5 usb modems at the same time, and it seems not a cpu power problem but something like the usb bus, I'm not an expert but I'd like to manage this in a better, reliable way

should I switch to a regular x64 cpu in a tower and add several usb hubs to it's PCI-Express ports? may it be more stable? I can't afford a really powerful cpu right now, but a raspberry pi 3b+ has a 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core cpu, which is pretty much a crappy one

What do you suggest? do you know a good cpu that works just fine with USB modems and distro linux (debian images for rpi was the only one that worked more or less stable).

I ask this because there may be some cpus that can be problematic when working with linux, usb drivers, etc, and maybe you know this better, thanks for reading!

4 ответов

104 просмотра


D-H Автор вопроса

I'm running a proxy server that redirects the traffic to the USB modems, the more usb modems, the more ports I can handle

I'm running a proxy server that redirects the traf...

A) But why B) How are you powering the devices

D-H Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
A) But why B) How are you powering the devices

A) Side hustle B) Currently the raspberry has a 12V 3A charger, which seems to work just fine. Then the raspberry uses a powered USB hub with 3A also, but as soon as I plug the 6th usb, things gets messy

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