169 похожих чатов

Hello everyone can you help me above picture figma that give

and belove picture postman that give me api

and is it match these?

6 ответов

5 просмотров

Didn't get your question

Sardorbek- Автор вопроса
Didn't get your question

Help was needed figma design on top and below is the api given to me by the backend Now let's take a look at how well the two fit together

Help was needed figma design on top and below is t...

Call the api, get the data and set the data to ui

Sardorbek- Автор вопроса
Call the api, get the data and set the data to ui

how can set the data ui, above picture required three parameters, and backend give me only name, and i have first and last name, how can set from two name to name

how can set the data ui, above picture required th...

message person who write backend and tell him about this

how can set the data ui, above picture required th...

If he didn't give just put dummy picture there and give him 😅

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