169 похожих чатов

Anyone knows how to build this widget in Flutter? I

have all the assets for round stations and the road, but how can I make the my widget animate between these stations? And how to make it scrollable?

9 ответов

13 просмотров

For easy life rive

Mohammad-Zamani Автор вопроса
Md. Yeasin Sheikh
For easy life rive

How to manage different stages?

Mohammad-Zamani Автор вопроса

i think flutter its not a good platform for games

Mohammad-Zamani Автор вопроса
Toxic Avenger
i think flutter its not a good platform for games

It's a language learning app, but yeah, flutter has many shortcomings when it comes to creating these complex layouts. Although I have seen someone creating a game like this in Flutter.

Mohammad Zamani
It's a language learning app, but yeah, flutter ha...

okay for that it's okay, looked like a game😅

Toxic Avenger
i think flutter its not a good platform for games

Agreed. Your better left with Unity or Godot

Agreed. Your better left with Unity or Godot

With unity you can build both android an iOS is even better

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