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Why do we need to read documentations when the speed

of learning things by search, stackoverflow, etc. is much higher? Isn't it wasting time to read books?

Also add the fact that chatGPT is changing the game even more

12 ответов

9 просмотров

When you search for a specific answer, you aren't really learning anything

I both agree and disagree. books might give you information that you wouldn't even know you should be looking for on Stackoverflow. ChatGPT is still very unreliable as a source of truth. It hallucinates a lot.

Meanwhile my custom list on ublockorigin

required-optional Автор вопроса
Witold ♥️🩷
He probably just want "earning" without "L".

What I want is to learn as more as possible, in the same amount of time. The solution is avoiding books I believe. But someone has warned me it causes me learning nothing. As suggested in this answer and this one, some truths may be found only in the books. So my final decision: Wasting time to read books (or any lengthy detailed knowledge source) is necessary when I want to know everything about a specific topic. Otherwise it is better to avoid books to learn more, in the same amount of time. About the guess you made: It was not related to my question though, yes, I wish that too. Wish I someday could earn truths and knowledge as fast as possible without the need to learning them. But as suggested in the answers, AI is still unreliable. So we should still waste our time doing low level and inefficient tasks, such as reading books, web pages, posts, etc. to find the truth.

Another AI bros

Mahbub Hasan
Another AI bros

How did you got the verification?

Mahbub Hasan
It's just a status

Like being "human"? Is "Human" a status, like being something?

screenshot Meanwhile my custom list on ublockorigin

why do you have to block the site? you can just not visit

Mufassir Ahmad Chowdhury
why do you have to block the site? you can just no...

I was becoming dependent on that now when I try to visit, I rethink at least

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