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Hello guys, this is my monitor TUF GAMING VG27VQ in the website information

written that this monitor supports 1080P.
but when i connect my PS5 to this it will goes to 2160P(4K)
my first question is why?
and next with my 6700xt GPU card and display port how could i go to upper resolution?
my windows high resolution is now on 1080P. what is the problem? i want to get in 2K resolution

21 ответов

5 просмотров

In short, you cannot get 2K resolution on your PC with the TUF Gaming VG27VQ and the 6700XT GPU. You will need to get a monitor that supports 2K resolution or use a different GPU.

Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)
In short, you cannot get 2K resolution on your PC ...

if the monitor is 1920x1080, i don't think changing GPU would help in increasing resolution...

if the monitor is 1920x1080, i don't think changin...

yeah, my bad, i need to use "and" instead of "or"

The PS5 supports a maximum resolution of 4K. The 6700XT GPU supports a maximum resolution of 8K. The highest resolution that you can get with the 6700XT GPU and the TUF Gaming VG27VQ is 1080P. To get 2K resolution on your PC, you will need to get a monitor that supports 2K resolution.

Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)
The PS5 supports a maximum resolution of 4K. The 6...

yeah exactly, if you have 1080p monitor and you want more you need higher resolution on the monitor, the GPU doesn't matter in this case

The problem is that your PS5 reports wrong resolution.

The problem is that your PS5 reports wrong resolut...

lets make sth like this for display as well xd https://downloadmoreram.com/

Plato- Автор вопроса
Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)
In short, you cannot get 2K resolution on your PC ...

my GPU could support to 8K but my question is when my monitor does not support the 4K or 2K why in the PS5 it gives me 4K?

Plato- Автор вопроса
The problem is that your PS5 reports wrong resolut...

no no. it is really 4K i checked idk how but is really better quality in the monitor setting it written that i have 2160P 😂 i dont know how

Plato- Автор вопроса
Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)

i know yes my monitor does not support 2K or 4K but this is my question why it gives me 4K resolution in PS5 when i connect PS5 to my monitor? and this is really 4K/60HZ

i know yes my monitor does not support 2K or 4K bu...

if ur monitor isnt 4k, nothing on earth can make it support 4k

i know yes my monitor does not support 2K or 4K bu...

Your monitor accepts the 4K video and then displays in 1080, this is fine. It's PS5 fuckery

Plato- Автор вопроса
at the end what i see is 1080P?

could be 4k scaled down to fhd

Plato- Автор вопроса
no no. it is really 4K i checked idk how but is re...

how did you check? you looked with microscope and saw 4x the pixels?

Plato- Автор вопроса

that's 1080p

Plato- Автор вопроса
that's 1080p

In PC yes But when i connect ps5 there wil write 2160p

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