169 похожих чатов

What would you suggest to a beginner who joined his

first coding job but struggles with understanding the code base?

codebase in question is very vast, very big and bulky functions, and poorly maintained.

The business domain that the software serves is completely alien to the beginner, so he has to learn about the business domain along with understanding the codebase.

15 ответов

27 просмотров

start solving simple tasks from a backlog

How to use a debugger

Darvesh 🍀
How to use a debugger

"How to strategically place prints across the code"

Did you already get it running locally on your machine or a server at work?

Yamete-Kudasai Автор вопроса
Yamete-Kudasai Автор вопроса
Yamete-Kudasai Автор вопроса

Sounds like you've been given the shit job that nobody wants to do. My recommendation to you is the following: - Look through the code and take notes of key points for your own reference - Consider creating automated tests for things to show that they work (or don't) then you can run them whenever you want to make sure they are still doing what they are supposed to do whenever you make modifications. This gives you a safety net - Consider creating parallel versions of things. So you can have an original and a separate version of your own and then you can swap in and out your version as necessary - Try to find as many isolatable parts and pull them out into pure functions. Do this as much as possible to improve testability and reduce duplication

Turn it into microservices

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Turn it into microservices

A pure function is a microservice with a lot less overhead 😊

You mean RPC

They mean that pure functions can be trivially offloaded or executed

Ludovic 'Archivist' Lagouardette
They mean that pure functions can be trivially off...

Sure but what I really mean is that they are lightweight. I mean we don't even know if this app that OP is working on involves any network connectivity

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