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Hi everyone, how's it going? I'm working on a Flutter

app with a data management system. How can I enforce data synchronization when the app comes back online? Please someone can help me

6 ответов

8 просмотров

Just refresh on applifecycle state change

Darrel- Автор вопроса
Just refresh on applifecycle state change

Here, it's more about displaying, or even just refreshing. Imagine a task management application (to-do app): when you are not connected, the data is directly saved in the local database. As soon as you connect, the data is immediately saved on a remote server.

Here, it's more about displaying, or even just ref...

This is ok, but for the personal use only, in the group its not applicable

Darrel- Автор вопроса
This is ok, but for the personal use only, in the ...

Ok thank you. But why doesn't my question have a place here?

Here, it's more about displaying, or even just ref...

Try creating a bool field to track the uploaded items

you can save data that needs to be uploaded locally and when the app opens, check for connection. if connected, start operation to upload it. read about read through and write through strategy for caching. this might be helpful.

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