Еще разбираюсь, вот фрагмент из книги The query_index() function takes the index name and a text to search for, along with pagination controls, so that search results can be paginated like Flask-SQLAlchemy results are. You have already seen an example usage of the es.search() function from the Python console. The call I’m issuing here is fairly similar, but instead of using a match query type, I decided to use multi_match, which can search across multiple fields. By passing a field name of *, I’m telling Elasticsearch to look in all the fields, so basically I’m searching the entire index. This is useful to make this function generic, since different models can have different field names in the index
{'query': {"query_string": { "fields": ["your fields"], "query": "Pattern_for_search" } }, 'from': (page - 1) * per_page, 'size': per_page }
вначале попробуй простейшие квери написать и убедись, что у тебя ошибка не в самом коннекте с эластиком ( хотя NotFoundError говорит, что вроде как норм всё с эластиком)
не сработало, тот же еррор
а так, {'query': { "bool": { "query_string": { "fields": ["your fields"], "query": "Pattern_for_search" } }, 'from': (page - 1) * per_page, 'size': per_page } }
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