170 похожих чатов

Кто подскажет как сделать так, чтобы при обработке ответа бот

пока что делал вид что пишет? Как называется метод?

1 ответов

4 просмотра

sendChatAction Use this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot's side. The status is set for 5 seconds or less (when a message arrives from your bot, Telegram clients clear its typing status). Returns True on success. Example: The ImageBot needs some time to process a request and upload the image. Instead of sending a text message along the lines of “Retrieving image, please wait…”, the bot may use sendChatAction with action = upload_photo. The user will see a “sending photo” status for the bot. We only recommend using this method when a response from the bot will take a noticeable amount of time to arrive. https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendchataction

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