170 похожих чатов

Подскажите, плз, есть что-то подобное в хибере из коробки? если

нет, с помощью чего (события, интерцепторы...) такое реализуется?

> When you call save() to save an Active Record instance, only dirty attributes are being saved. An attribute is considered dirty if its value has been modified since it was loaded from DB or saved to DB most recently. Note that data validation will be performed regardless if the Active Record instance has dirty attributes or not.

> Active Record automatically maintains the list of dirty attributes. It does so by maintaining an older version of the attribute values and comparing them with the latest one. You can call ActiveRecord::getDirtyAttributes() to get the attributes that are currently dirty. You can also call ActiveRecord::markAttributeDirty() to explicitly mark an attribute as dirty.

> If you are interested in the attribute values prior to their most recent modification, you may call getOldAttributes() or getOldAttribute().

1 ответов

6 просмотров

первый абзац есть, второй только первые два предложения, третий нет

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