"select 'b' as src, house_id, user_id, lang_id, lat, lon, " +
" square, null as livesquare, null as plottage, 0 as heat, btype, null as yearc, " +
" sewerage, 0 as rooms, floors, null as basement, price, round(extract(epoch from expire) * 1000) as expire, " +
" active, vip, 0 as kitchen, 0 as pledge, info, moreinfo, " +
" currency_id, radius, 0 as time_rent_id, 2 as exchange " +
"from houses_buy, const " +
"where user_id = uID and deleted = false " +
"union all " +
"select 's' as src, house_id, user_id, lang_id, lat, lon, " +
" square, livesquare, plottage, heat, btype, yearc, " +
" sewerage, rooms, floors, basement, price, round(extract(epoch from expire) * 1000) as expire, " +
" active, vip, kitchen, pledge, info, moreinfo, " +
" currency_id, 0 as radius, 0 as time_rent_id, exchange " +
"from houses_sale, const " +
"where user_id = uID and deleted = false " +
"union all " +
"select 'r' as src, house_id, user_id, lang_id, lat, lon, " +
" square, null as livesquare, null as plottage, 0 as heat, 0 as btype, null as yearc, " +
" 0 as sewerage, rooms, floors, null as basement, price, round(extract(epoch from expire) * 1000) as expire, " +
" active, vip, 0 as kitchen, 0 as pledge, info, moreinfo, " +
" currency_id, radius, time_rent_id, 2 as exchange " +
"from houses_rent, const " +
"where user_id = uID and deleted = false " +
"union all " +
"select 'o' as src, house_id, user_id, lang_id, lat, lon, " +
" square, null as livesquare, null as plottage, 0 as heat, 0 as btype, null as yearc, " +
" 0 as sewerage, rooms, floors, null as basement, price, round(extract(epoch from expire) * 1000) as expire, " +
" active, vip, 0 as kitchen, 0 as pledge, info, moreinfo, " +
" currency_id, 0 as radius, time_rent_id, 2 as exchange " +
"from houses_rent_out, const " +
"where user_id = uID and deleted = false";
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