, type: :hidden %>
id: :friend_user_id what does this piece of code mean?
What does number_field method documentation says?
It equals id="[whatever is in your friend_user_id field of object is]" in html if i remember correctly
number_field is a form where numbers are written. :friend_user_id may be a symbol here?
number_field is a method of class instance which itself is stored on form variable
number_field is a method of class instance which itself is stored on form variable. What does number_field method documentation says?
can you please the link to documentation where there is written about number_field?
Can you please tell what class is in "form" variable?
form_with is a helper. Put <% binding.irb %> there and in irb repl write "form.class" and press enter
NameError (undefined local variable or method `form' for main:Object)
Now try to put it where variable form actually exist
the 4th one is in my situation right?
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